As I began to wake up I started to make plans to thank her. Took me a while to decipher between what was and wasn't real. It made me realize -- the line between fiction and reality is so thin. We call people crazy who are "seeing things," yet we pass into imagination every night in our sleep, we linger on it during day-dreams and even memories. All that separates the common man from "insanity" is the ability to wake up, to come to grips with what's accepted as "real." But what is reality? I think I exist, but how do I know I exist? Maybe I'm an advanced computer simulation for some creative creature in a 10-dimensional world. "I think therefore I am" only goes so far. Maybe I'm a though with thoughts in an almighty thinker. Maybe all I know and all I am is the fleeting imagination of a giants dream.
Gah. I'm wandering. "Maybe this" and "maybe that." Whatever I "think," I have no way of deciphering existence; pondering and ranting will not change the state of the universe. meh. this post is insanity... my apologies if it makes no sense...
Have you been reading Sophie's World? if not, you totally should
thanks caity, i dont know why but i was jealous...and im usually not, but thanks, and where do you think nathan got that from... :)
Everything is "true," one just has to decide which truths one accepts as one's principal set of beliefs. Facts and fictions are different truths. Everything that one deems as "false" is but another unaccepted truth.
And those three sentences weren't necessarily supposed to be in the same paragraph, oh well. If you read and interpret them individually, I think they make more sense.
Well written article.
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