Sunday, March 15, 2009

quote of the Day 21: play practice

"Why do they have five kids if they don't sleep in the same bed?"
"Trust me, you can do it anywhere." -- Mrs. Martin

"Okay everyone, I want you to take your clothes off" -- Mrs. Martin

i love this show
i'll be really sad when it's over :(

Friday, March 6, 2009

another day

so, i'm listening to some awesome indian music (Tere Bin!) and contemplating the day. it was average, but epic.

shane said something to me at lunch today which made me laugh uncontrollably. and i'm not talking about the little hyena giggles i usually have, these were full-blown boisterous guffaws. it was just one of those little incidents which make me realize how unique and fantastic my friends are :)

the title of this is the name of a song from RENT that's awesome (aren't they all?!). i just noticed that, haha.

i blew my voice in rehearsal again (i REALLY need to practice projecting but my voice is so frail right now. GAH!) so i'm sitting here sipping hot lemon (hot water with lemon and honey in it) and have vowed (silently) to not speak for the rest of tonight.

i have no more classes until monday, and have balanced my time enough to be able to get MOST of my homework done. the rest of it i'll divvy up between the free time i have the rest of the weekend -- tonight i'm reading my book, listening to music, and relaxing. Salut!