Monday, July 28, 2008

Too Much

I've spent the past 7 hours at dance camp.  We had a half hour for lunch, and a few water breaks, but other than that it was straight working, including running and intensive stretches.  So basically i've been dancing for 6 hours straight.  I'm already getting sore -- i know that i'll feel really healthy by the end of this week... but right now i feel like crap.  Meh.  More exhausted than crappy.  Grr.  I could have spent this week at Church Camp, but then there was also the conflict with our family vacation... I was planning to use this afternoon to do some of my science homework, but it's my parents anniversary so i want to help make dinner and i'm so tired on top of that i just want to collapse on the couch....
Hm.  Do you ever feel like there's not enough time?  Not a moment to lose! No time to be idle!  Life has so much to offer, but you have to pick your priorities, maintain the precarious balance between happily busy and overload.  Yet it's important to take down time too.  Time to relax and to rethink things, to give your body and mind a break.  But every minute spent being lazy is a minute not spent doing....
I know I can't do everything.
But I sure want to.


Nathan said...

I understand.

Christine said...

It took me one hour to do the AP Bio assignment, and I BSed most of it and got a 100.

Christine said...

haha, anytime. I know I was out of state for a rather large earthquake, but I guess I just don't feel them otherwise. I somehow slept through the one that was centered in Napa a few years ago. And sometimes I am greeted with, "didja feel the earthquake????" and I won't know what they're talking about. *sigh*