Saturday, July 19, 2008


Salut mes amis!
Comme ca va?
(i'm typing on a strange french keyboard which probably has some way to do accent marks, but i'll be damned if i can figure them out)

above is my pitiful attempt at french. i learned from simmerly. haha. "learned" is completely inappropriate in that statement. but i'm picking up quite a bit down here -- everyone is bilingual! or they only speak french -- it's pretty dominant down here. for those of you who i (or nathan) haven't told about my trip, i'm writing to you from Quebec City, Canada.

it's so artsy and beautiful! there's art incorporated into everything, and the flowers. oh the flowers!
je t'aime le fleurs
i probably wrote that wrong. i'm only in french one, okay?

we (mum, dad, and i) were walking down this steep hill after a tour of the Parliament building (which, by the way, is much more interesting than american Parliament. DC is not nearly this fascinating). there was a girl, about the age of 8, selling lemonade. now, she wasn't an amateur; this girl was hard core. we watched her squeeze the lemon, add half a bowl full of sugar, and a ton of water. she wasn't selling a dixie cup -- this was in like one of those tall cups you get at starbucks. i gotta tell you, that was the best damn lemonade i've ever had.
i remember doing a lemonade stand with my neighbors when i was little. not nearly that fancy -- i think we sold dixie cups for a quarter. and the only people who bought from us were other neighbors (our street is fairly inopportune for customers). one of my neighbors, though, came over and said "i'll give you $5 if you fill up my thermos." he used up the last of the lemonade, and we got 5 dollars. between three girls all below the age of 6, this was a fortune.
good times.

haha. i'm in an internet cafe. the song"power of love" just started playing. reminds me of you nathan.
love all! be back full of tales soon,


Christine said...

I'd say it doesn't get exciting until second semester French 2 or French 3, but alas, I cannot, as Simerly is now gone forever. So many great times in that class, I missed it so much this past year. *sigh*

jack said...

you like/love the flowers..yeah i had french 1 Junior year.

Manda Panda said...

have fun in canada for me!! and canada is north of here so next time say "up here" not "down here" but i'm glad ur having fun!

Anonymous said...

o canada! our home and native land, true patriot love in all thy sons command. with glowing hearts we see thee rise the true north strong and free! from far and wide, o canada, we stand on guard for thee. God keep our land glorious and free! o canada! we stand on guard for thee, o canada! we stand on guard for thee!

yes, I did just type Canada's nat'l anthem as a comment for your post.'re in canada. go impress some hot canadians [I mean, Nathan] by reciting it.