Friday, November 14, 2008

Quote of the Day 13

"Friends are fish, not food" -- Mrs. Martin

"Jorge, the oldest and only Chinese moose seller in Canada" -- Brianna, Kristina, Caity (don't ask-- there's no real explanation)

"The music's slightly off... but it's meant to be.  That's what gives it it's beauty" -- James Gusse

I met with the 4th grade girl, her older sister, and her parents today in the career center.  i start wednesday :)


Christine said...

But...but...the Mrs. Martin quote is ripped off from Finding Nemo!

Manda Panda said...

aw i love mrs. martin, did she do that on purpose or not?

Caity said...

wasn't on purpose. she was trying to quote finding nemo. it didn't work, but what she said was pretty darn funny :)