Friday, October 17, 2008

yay three day weekend!!!... not so much

*dances celebratory jig*
*realizes won't be seeing nathan*
you know what i'm doing over my wonderfully long weekend?
my french current event,
my other french project too,
studying for AP Bio,
reading Lord of the Flies (ew) for english, 
and getting a flu shot
well, hopefully i'll also be going to youth group also
and Witchie Poo is always awesome
plus there's that satisfying feeling of NOT going to school on monday
but still
i miss him


Anonymous said...

Ew?!?! I absolutely adored Lord of the Flies when I first read it. Haven't read it since tho...
And I also had an amazing teacher in the class that I read it for. still. Ew?!?!

Manda Panda said...

i liked lord of the flies, and i know what you mean about missing nathan, besides me missing all my wonderful friends back at both homes now (sonoma and chico, and i'm in sac, so i'm with neither group of them) i miss tyler, i'm not even dating him, and i only see him twice a week but i still miss him, meh, i don't know why i miss him (besides the fact that i like him) we aren't dating, probably won't start dating. but he's still cool and amazing and i like the conversations i have with him in piano and aural and theory, ok i'll stop now