Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Quote of the day 7: an intense game of yahtzee

Dad fiercely shook the cup, his face scrunched with anticipation of the roll.  He chucked the dice.  He groaned at the 4, 2, and 1 which threw off his bonus; the choice was cross off yahtzee, large straight, or sixes.  Frowning at the score card, he drew the hateful line through the box which should contain the 50 points for a yahtzee.  "Sorry Dad," I acknowledged sympathetically, all to familiar with his situation.
My roll gave me an average three-of-a-kind, then it was his turn again.  Taking the cup with much less determination, he tossed it and the dice clattered across the table top.  We stared in amazement at the five 4's, the yahtzee he hadn't been able to get.  He looked at me with the most peculiar expression and cocked his head in a bizzare manner.  Then a twinkle came into his eye and a humble grin propped up the corners of his mouth.  
"You gotta know that's God laughing at us."


Manda Panda said...

hahaha i love it! i have a quote for you, so erin, kaleen, stephen, matt and i were up at 4:30 am (don't ask)and erin was cold and i quote "but i'm only cold from here down!" *she gestures from elbows down* i say, "that's cause you're sunburned from here UP!!" *gesture from elbows up* Matt starts cracking up "ah the logic" i retort, "Unheard of" also laughing uncontrollably.

just thought you might appreciate that

Sara Jane said...

the real question: why should God care about or notice a game of yahtzee? he may have bigger fish to fry, if you know what i mean.