Friday, August 15, 2008


it's 10:12 in the morning and i have officially finished all my AP Bio reading.  that's right.  Exactly 145 pages of dull textbook: DONE.  plus, this morning i discovered that for the most part my sniffle has gone away!!! (yesterday i woke up hardly able to breathe and with my nose acting like it was the height of hay-fever season).  it must have been a little cold... whatever it was it's gone now.  and, to make things even better, mum called and was like "hey, do you want to go to the Cheese Factory today, just for fun?"  and i was like "when do i not want to go to the cheese factory?!?"  then, running down the hall i did my honorary cheese factory dance/chant.  that's right.  i have a cheese chant.

and i haven't even told you the best part: Nathan's coming over today.
fricken spectacular.
*chorus of angels sing*


Bob and Lilly said...

Reading this completely brightened up my mood. Haha I think everyone should have a cheese chant.

Nathan said...






Christine said...

you know the AP Bio reading is completely useless? just sayin' haha.