Sunday, August 31, 2008

Giant Drunk Music Orgy

I just sang a beatles medley at Clines winery.  We (the beatles ensemble) got there at 1:15, scheduled for 2:00, and didn't go on until 4.  it was hot.  but okay because they gave us food and we wore these REALLY cool colored glasses.  plus it was nice to have time to visit with my Beatles buddies, who are each fascinating in their own right but we don't get time to talk during rehearsal.  The theme of the fundraiser was the sixties, and it was basically a room full of drunk horny adults.  But they spent 6000 dollars on us, so i suppose it was worth it.  Lauren and I also sang with the madrigals because they were singing "Wakati Wa Amani," which we learned last year.  I'm shocked to find they have no tenors! that was upsetting, but i tried to project my harmony as best i could.
i wish i was in it
i do
i just can't handle it... is that selfish of me?


Manda Panda said...

no that's not selfish. why aren't you in madrigals missy? seriously, you were great! was it a time issue?

Christine said...

I just added a music class and I'm now at the maximum number of credits you can have without having to pay like $700 extra per credit...and classes haven't even started yet! I also think I'm doing pep band and later declaring a music minor...maybe I'll serve as an example of what you aren't now, the person who added all of the music classes because she's insane! Random thought, apologies.