Monday, November 10, 2008


my cat's been lying in the same place on my parents bed all day.  no joke.  she's rolled over a few times, and she'll preen a bit, but she's always resettles in the exact same spot.  she'll probably get up and there'll be an indented nest of cat fur where she was
i sort of admire the regal attitude of cat's.  don't get me wrong, it's a horrid attribute in a human, but with cats... snobbery just befits them.  that manner of living which says the world revolves around me and i am so beautiful, why aren't you all flocking to pet me?
i love that kitty


Manda Panda said...

i <3 cats, idk i'm a cat person, i always have been and probably always will be. and for some reason i love that attribute about them as well, how they are always so regal.

Christine said...

Cats like me, but I like dogs more. They're sillier.