Monday, September 29, 2008

Fiddler on the Roof Reaction

wow, i haven't cried that hard at the end of a movie in... in...

Juno maybe
and before that The Waitress
i balled pretty hard when i first saw Gladiator too.

music just does something to me.  evokes an emotion deeper than anything i could see.  The stupid dream which Tevye describes to Golda, with all the old corny special effects, scared me (of course, i can't handle modern horror films either, but i genuinely think that when their fear is sung it becomes more real to me).  At the end of fiddler they have to leave Annatevka, and Hava... *tear*

apparently that really happened to my mom's grandfathers family -- they were Jews evicted from Russia.  There's so many stories in the world... so much history to be explored...

it's only 8:45, but i'm REALLY tired.  weird.  heavy crying always seems to do that, sap energy. how irritating.  Until my next burst of inspiration or insanity... (what's the difference?)...


Manda Panda said...

OMG the same thing happened to me at the end of fiddler, amazing movie, are you going to try out for it this year? please do, musicals in high school are so much fun and i encourage it! besides i'll go and see it *hugs*

Christine said...

I'm sorry that you were never around to be in an SVHS musical with boys.