Thursday, September 25, 2008

Dear Mike

i wrote this to my friend mike on facebook.  he's the cousin of justin and shane burns, and i met him three years ago on a youth group trip.  we just clicked, particularly musically, singing RENT.  however, he lives in Boston, so until i found him on facebook we hadn't kept up.  this was me filling him in on life. :)
life's busy.  but from what i've seen it doesn't get less hectic from now on.  i wish i'd appreciated my time before more.  so maybe i should enjoy this time a bit more while i have it.
i've been singing my heart out, I WILL NEVER STOP!!!  i also discovered that i have an avid love of musicals of every type -- something about music telling a story reminds me of my life -- and i've been exploring musicals from My Fair Lady and Les Miserables to modern ones like Wicked (so fabulous!!!) and Jersey Boys, etc.
school is epic.  actually it's all-consuming.  i'm a sophomore, and in retrospect 7 classes (particularly AP status) was a bit ambitious of me.  but you have to go too far to discover the limit, right?  and i can do it, it just means what little social life and extra-curricular activities i participate in have been exed from the schedule. :(
hmm, what else interesting has happened in the three years since we talked?  i have a boyfriend now.  he's amazing.  i got my wisdom teeth out on fourth of july weekend, which was a bit upsetting because i was all puffy.


Manda Panda said...

what AP classes can you take sophomore year? and i love wicked and rent and musicals also. this one guy in three of my classes (music theory, piano, and ear training) just finished a CD that he says tells a story, the next time i'm in town i'll e-mail you or something so you can listen to it (well i'll tell you first if its any good, i'm planning on buying it on tuesday) good luck w/ hectic-ness it does get better, depending on how well you bide your time. have fun with life and i miss you sorely!

Manda Panda said...

uh yeah probably, i took regular bio first and almost bombed the class (yay barely passing at 60.5%) but good luck with that